As a company dedicated to delivering world-class technical support, K9 Bytes® Software also realizes the critical importance of keeping our customers’ software operating reliably and efficiently. To facilitate that, we rely on our calling center, full-time tech support specialists, and software engineering staff to ensure superior software support.
Remote Tech Support Services
The K9 Bytes® customer service and support portal can be accessed directly from the home page. The portal looks like the image shown at the left. When necessary, a K9 Bytes® support representative will create a virtual connection to your computer, and is able to instantly connect with your facility in a virtual on-site support session. To start a new session the representative will give you a 6-digit pin code to enter in the portal. Then, by clicking "Connect" the support representative has an instant, real-time view of your desktop and can optionally share remote control of the mouse and keyboard. This is a very effective tool that allows our staff to asses and correct issues rapidly, and provide immediate assistant to all your K9 Bytes® products support needs.
Multi-tiered Technical Support
In order to better serve your business, our tech support team is subdivided into two tiers. The reason for providing a multi-tiered support system is to provide you with the best possible customer service experience. The job of a Tier I specialist is to gather the customer’s information, documenting the support issue, and possibly determining the underlying problem. If the tier I specialist is not able to provide a satisfactory solution to the issue, the problem will be referred to a tier II specialist. Tier II tech support can provide more in-depth technical support, and will be able to answer more technically challenging problems. Members of our development and software design team are typically involved in tier II technical support.
Maintenance Agreements and Cost
For new purchases, a complete maintenance program (includes software updates and technical support) is always included free of charge for the first year. Subsequent maintenance plans are defined per year, and the cost depends on the product. For the current maintenance agreement prices please visit our online store. For a track record of our rates visit our maintenance agreement archive page.