QuickBooks is a set of software solutions designed to manage payroll and other accounting needs of a small business. With accurate accounting information you can easily know how profitable your business is. QuickBooks is also a popular tool among Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), because it allows for a smoother process preparing federal and state taxes. The K9 Bytes® QuickBooks module is a tool that allows information to flow from K9 Koordinator to QuickBooks.
Transfer financial data from the K9 Koordinator directly to QuickBooks with just a few clicks.
Save time and avoid tedious and error-prone manual entries.
Lots of flexibility, map QuickBooks accounts to different charge categories in the K9 Koordinator.
Take a glance at some screen-shots taken from the QuickBooks up-link module:
Mapping payment accounts 
Mapping of individual retail products 
Mapping income, refund, deposits, liabilities, and classes to different QuickBooks' accounts 
Sample daily transaction report 
Frequently Asked Questions
I want to see the income for each of my services on my P&L, not just a total. How do I do that?
In your QuickBooks Chart of Accounts, set up an income account for each of the services you offer. For example, set up accounts for Boarding Income, Grooming Income, and Training Income. Map Koordinator boarding transactions to the Boarding Income Account, grooming transactions to the Grooming Income Account, and training transactions to the Training Income Account. If you want the P&L to also show a total for all service income, set up an account called Total Service Income and then make each service income account (Boarding Income, Grooming Income, and Training Income) a sub-account of the Total Service Income Account.
I have hundreds of inventory items. Do I have to map each of them?
Not if you are taking advantage of Koordinator’s Retail Classes. After you map an inventory item that is assigned to a Koordinator Retail Class to a QuickBooks account, the Up-link Module will ask if you want to map all inventory items in the same Retail Class to the same account. For example, if you carry 5 different types of dog food and each is assigned to the Dog Food retail class, after you map the 1st type of dog food to its income account, e.g. Retail Sales Income, the Up-link Module will ask if you want to map all inventory items in the Dog Food class to the Retail Sales Income account. Answering “yes” will automatically map the remaining 4 types of dog food to Retail Sales Income.
How do I keep up with which days’ transactions have been posted and which have not?
The Up-link Module will track this for you. Each time you post a day’s transactions, the Up-link Module logs the transaction date so it can warn you if you attempt to re-post the transactions for that day. It also sets the default transaction date to the day after the most recent date posted.
What if I make a mistake and need to re-post a day’s transactions?
The Up-link Module will allow you to do so. It will display a warning to let you know the transactions have already been posted and give you the option to continue the re-post or to cancel.
Are transactions posted real-time?
No. Transactions upload to QuickBooks when the uplink utility is used. You can post all transactions for a day or a range of dates (e.g. a week or a month) at once.
How does the Up-link Module work in a multi-user environment?
Part of the configuration and setup of the Up-link Module is to tell it the location of your Koordinator databases and the location of your QuickBooks company file. The only requirement is each must be accessible to the computer on which the Up-link Module is installed: either located on the same computer or on another computer accessible via your network, such as a server. As an aside, QuickBooks must also be installed on the computer on which the Up-link Module is installed. The Up-link Module needs QuickBooks to be running in order to add journal entries to your company file.
Trademark Notice
"QuickBooks" is a trademark of Intuit. The use of this mark is solely for informational and product identification purposes. Our QuickBooks up-link module is only a communication tool between our software and Intuit's QuickBooks. K9 Bytes® does not sell or support Intuit's products, or have any business relationship with Intuit.