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Pet Tracker: Pet Collar Identification System

Pet TrackerThe Pet Tracker is a collar identification system for Pet Detectpets that utilizes PetDetect* technology. It consists of a special printer that uses information from the K9 Koordinator to print collar identification bands. Unlike other programs in the market, the Pet Tracker offers the ability to customize your bands as you see fit. Customize your collar designs, the information shown in them, or print in different colors and sizes. For the Pet Tracker software and the best PetDetect prices available online, please check the K9 Bytes® store.


How it Works

bullet The information is thermally engraved onto the front of the exclusive PetDetect collar media by the exclusive PetDetect PD-700 printer.

bullet On the back, each 6" section has two peel off areas that expose the adhesive.

bullet The collar is then placed around the guests neck by overlapping the adhesive at the desired finished length.

bullet The pet's information is repeated every 6 inches enabling the handler to view the data regardless of its position on the pet's neck!



bullet No typing required. System automatically creates a collar for each pet based on their information on file.
bullet The Pet tracker collar identification system allows you to create your own collar templates. Create different designs and/or colors for your boarding and daycare pets.
bullet Set up multiple printers with different colors for different daycare groups. For example, allow your "Big Daycare" dogs to have a different color and/or collar design than your "Small Daycare" dogs.
bullet Resistant collar material designed for the pet care industry.
bullet Text repeats every 6 inches.
bullet Increase customer confidence by assuring them that your facility uses state of the art systems for positive identification.
bullet Your facility name & phone number can also be included on the collar. In the case of an escape, a pet can easily be identified.
bullet Immediate identification of any pet, by any staff member. Include weight, breed, name, run, aggressive personality, and customized labels, just to name a few!


Sample pet collars

* PetDetect is a product of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. All PetDetect product names and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of IDEXX Laboratories, Inc.


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